Korea Institution and Economics Association

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A Game-Theoretic Model of Transactions Within and Between Collectivist Communities Without Third-Party Enforcement (Ke-young Chu 2006-11)
작성자 : 관리자 등록일시 : 2008-01-02
첨부파일 : 파일 다운로드 2006_11월 제도경제2(주계영).pdf
Perspectives on Economic Growth and Development Neoclassical economics (NE) economic growth = factor accumulation and technical progress New institutional economics (NIE) economic growth = expansions in exchange, specialization, and production, development of formal and informal institutions (rules of the game), and reduction in transaction costs 3 stages of institutional development 1. Intra-community transactions (without formal 3rd-party enforcement) 2. Inter-community transactions (without 3rd-party enforcement) 3. Anonymous transactions over a wide area (with formal 3rd-party enforcement)
이전글 공동체집행 거래제도의 분석 (주계영 2006-11)
다음글 한국헌법의 두 가지 오류와 자유의 헌법주의 (민경국 2006-12)